Who are the Friends of Doddington Wood
The area known as Doddington Wood nestles between Dudley Lane and the end of Doddington Drive in Cramlington, Northumberland. A small committee was formed in 2021 after a request was put forward from Cramlington Town Council to form a 'Friends of' group'. The commitee aims to manage, protect and encourage this small corner of woodland, and to return it to a thing of wonderful childhood memories.
The aim is to be able to offer local residents the opportunity to have a safe, beautiful, natural environment on their doorstep, while working to maintain the balance between the natural ecosystem and providing an engaging space for residents and their families.
In the past the woodland has attracted a lot of anti-social behaviour, as well as been regularly used as an illegal fly-tipping site. As a committee we are outlining a number of proposals with the hope of combating the negative attention which this site has historically attracted, and instead work towards the land being recognised as a local nature reserve in which the community can take ownership of and be involved with various initiatives to encourage the biodiversity of the area as well as to increase positive public use of the space.
Although the group is still in its infancy, there has been a lot of positive feedback from Cramlington Town Council about the proposed ideas, and the group as already been allocated funds in order to be able to move forward with the project. As a group we recognise the importance of keeping residents informed about any proposals and updates and encourage people to come forward with their opinions and suggestions. Many suggestions have been put forward and we are actively working on those that we think are vital in making Doddington Wood a safer and more inviting community space, that Cramlington and its residents could be proud of.
We hope to create regular volunteering opportunities, which have so far included organised litter picks and path maintenance, and tree and flower planting. For regular updates and volunteering opportunities please search for ‘The Friends of Doddington Wood’ on Facebook to find the community group, or consider signing up to our seasonal newsletter.